The VIP has recommended approving the FiberCover® working method for the safe removal of asbestos-containing tile adhesive for risk class 1 and adding it to the SMA-rt web application (SMA-rt). The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has adopted the VIP advice.
The Validation and Innovation Point for Asbestos (VIP) has issued positive advice to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment about the FiberCover® working method. This is a working method for the removal of a limited number of wall tiles, including asbestos-containing tile adhesive with a maximum chrysotile asbestos content of 5%. The VIP has recommended approving the FiberCover® working method for risk class 1 and adding it to the SMA-rt web application (SMA-rt).
The Netherlands Labour Authority has assessed the method as both practicable and enforceable. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has informed the VIP that it will adopt its advice. The Ministry has asked Ascert (the SMA-rt manager) to make this change in SMA-rt.